Sunday, 17 April 2016

Movers and Shakers Continues to Shape Young Leaders

Movers and Shakers again proved popular for Catholic youth leaders from around Queensland as well as some interstate participants from the Maitland Newcastle Diocese.
The Christian leadership training program, run from 29 March to 2 April at the James Byrne Centre, provided young people from a variety of parishes, schools and youth movements’ high quality leadership training in a safe and fun environment. It also provided an opportunity for the group, aged 16 to 25, to support and network with others in person outside of social media or their immediate circle of friends.
Movers and Shakers is led by a team of youth ministry professionals, facilitated by Dave Jorna from Project Hatch and is one of the longest running leadership training initiatives in Australia. Since beginning in 1991, over 2000 people have participated in the program. Dave himself is part of the Movers and Shakers family, not just as facilitator, but as past participant!
“It was incredible watching so many participants create a deep inner shift in their understanding and practice of leadership,” observed Dave. “Understandably, a lot of young people view leadership in terms of giving directions, solutions and ideas in order to create an outcome.  During the program however, a lot of the young people had their “Aha” moments by experiencing, practicing and identifying leadership in terms of a process which creates a positive influence.”
One of the strengths of the program is its ability to combine theory and practical leadership development with different activities to challenge participants. During the residential five day program participants were challenged both individually, and in small groups, to work on problem solving, teamwork and adventure based activities.
Another highlight is the “Questions of Faith” session with Fr Morgan Batt of the Vocations Office Brisbane. This year’s participants really valued Fr Morgan’s honesty, openness and input into this session. Fr Morgan has been a part of the Movers and Shakers family for some 19 years now by giving his time as chaplain and pastoral support to the program.
Sarah de Byl, Youth Coordinator for the Toowoomba Diocese said this year’s program continues to build on the successes of the past. The hard work of past coordinators and facilitators make Movers and Shakers the exceptional program it is today.
“Every year we learn something new about the program and how we can improve the experience for the young people who attend. The program is evolving and constantly growing. It keeps it fresh and dynamic.” She said ”It’s important to the leadership team that the program is flexible and can be tailored to suit individual participants and the Movers and Shakers group that attend from year to year.”
Participant Daniel Duskovic, from Villanova College Brisbane, reflected, “Movers and Shakers is a life changing program that helped me to develop effective leadership skills, expand my faith and make connections with like minded young people.”

Photos and information about Movers and Shakers 2016 can be found on the Movers and Shakers Facebook page as well as The program will again run in 2017, keep an eye out for promotional material available later in the year or check back at the website for updates.